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Martin Ben R.Are universities and university research under threat? Towards an evolutionary model of university speciation
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 543
Salter Ammon , Tartari Valentina , D'Este PabloCrossing the Rubicon: exploring the factors that shape academics’ perceptions of the barriers to working with industry
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 655
Dodgson Mark , Staggs JonathanGovernment policy, university strategy and the academic entrepreneur: the case of Queensland’s Smart State Institutes
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 567
Howells Jeremy , Ramlogan Ronnie , Cheng Shu-LiInnovation and university collaboration: paradox and complexity within the knowledge economy
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 703
McKelvey Maureen , Bourelos Evangelos , Magnusson MatsInvestigating the complexity facing academic entrepreneurs in science and engineering: the complementarities of research performance, networks and support structures in commercialisation
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 751
Hughes Alan , Kitson MichaelPathways to impact and the strategic role of universities: new evidence on the breadth and depth of university knowledge exchange in the UK and the factors constraining its development
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 723
Wright Mike , Clarysse Bart , Mosey SimonTransforming traditional university structures for the knowledge economy through multidisciplinary institutes
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 587
Hughes Alan , McKelvey Maureen , Deiaco EnricoUniversities as strategic actors in the knowledge economy
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 525
Giuliani Elisa , Rabellotti RobertaUniversities in emerging economies: bridging local industry with international science—evidence from Chile and South Africa
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 679
Goddard John , Robertson Douglas , Vallance PaulUniversities, Technology and Innovation Centres and regional development: the case of the North-East of England
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 609
Llerena Patrick , Curi Claudia , Daraio CinziaUniversity technology transfer: how (in)efficient are French universities?
Cambridge journal of economics, 2012, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 629
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