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Mohun SimonAggregate capital productivity in the US economy, 1964–2001
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 1023
Libânio Gilberto A.Aggregate demand and the endogeneity of the natural rate of growth: evidence from Latin American economies
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 967
Santos Ana C. , Rodrigues JoãoEconomics as social engineering? Questioning the performativity thesis
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 985
Quatraro FrancescoInnovation, structural change and productivity growth: evidence from Italian regions, 1980–2003
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 1001
Opocher Arrigo , Steedman IanInput price–input quantity relations and the numéraire
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 937
Sanghera Balihar , Olsen Wendy , Lyon FergusIntroduction
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 871
Lyon Fergus , Porter GinaMarket institutions, trust and norms: exploring moral economies in Nigerian food systems
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 903
Olsen WendyMoral political economy and moral reasoning about rural India: four theoretical schools compared
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 875
Sanghera Balihar , Satybaldieva ElmiraMoral sentiments and economic practices in Kyrgyzstan: the internal embeddedness of a moral economy
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 921
Herr HansjörgThe labour market in a Keynesian economic regime: theoretical debate and empirical findings
Cambridge journal of economics, 2009, n. 5, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 949
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