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Karanassou Marika , Sala Hector , Salvador Pablo F.Capital accumulation and unemployment: new insights on the Nordic experience
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 977
David Antonio C.Controls on capital inflows and the transmission of external shocks
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 887
Ughetto ElisaDoes internal finance matter for R&D? New evidence from a panel of Italian firms
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 907
Orhangazi ÖzgürFinancialisation and capital accumulation in the non-financial corporate sector: A theoretical and empirical investigation on the US economy: 1973–2003
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 863
Fontana Roberto , Guerzoni MarcoIncentives and uncertainty: an empirical analysis of the impact of demand on innovation
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 927
Skott Peter , Ryoo SoonMacroeconomic implications of financialisation
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 827
Pietrobelli Carlo , Saliola FedericaPower relationships along the value chain: multinational firms, global buyers and performance of local suppliers
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 947
Gustafsson Björn , Jansson BirgittaTop incomes in Sweden over three-quarters of a century: a micro data approach
Cambridge journal of economics, 2008, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 963
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