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Schettkat RonaldAre institutional rigidities at the root of European unemployment?
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 771
Wang NingCoase on the nature of economics
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 807
Perez-Aleman PaolaDecentralised production organisation and institutional transformation: large and small firm networks in Chile and Nicaragua
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 789
Zizzo Daniel JohnEmpirical evidence on interdependent preferences: nature or nurture?
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 881
Pieper UteSectoral regularities of productivity growth in developing countries—a Kaldorian interpretation
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 831
Sleuwaegen Leo , Goedhuys MichelineTechnical efficiency, market share and profitability of manufacturing firms in Côte d'Ivoire: the technology trap
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 851
Cameron SamThe political economy of gender disparity in musical markets
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 6, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 905
Sagrario Floro Maria , Miles MarjorieTime use, work and overlapping activities: evidence from Australia
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