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Sánchez-Chóliz J. , Duarte R.Analysing pollution by way of vertically integrated coefficients, with an application to the water sector in Aragon
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 433
Grabel J.Averting crisis? Assessing measures to manage financial integration in emerging economies
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 317
Cassetti M.Bargaining power, effective demand and technical progress: a Kaleckian model of growth
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 449
Fedderke J. , Luiz J. , de Kadt R.Capstone or deadweight? Inefficiency, duplication and inequity in South Africa's tertiary education system, 1910–93
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 377
King D. , Freedland M.Contractual governance and illiberal contracts: some problems of contractualism as an instrument of behaviour management by agencies of government
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 465
Piscitello L. , Mutinelli M. , Mariotti S.Home country employment and foreign direct investment: evidence from the Italian case
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 419
Mohun S.Ideology, markets and money
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 401
Dickerson A. P. , Tsakalotos E. , Gibson H. D.Is attack the best form of defence? A competing risks analysis of acquisition activity in the UK
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 337
Setterfield M.Keynes's dialectic?
Cambridge journal of economics, 2003, n. 3, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, p. 359
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